

2014年8月19日 星期二

終於看完《Nature's Weirdest Events series 3》& 《Something Beneath》& 2014 August 19 Diary

Brookesia micra

Multi-coloured bee honey comb

Two-headed snake, another view

Two-tone lobster

A sleeping walrus on Orkney

Nature's Weirdest Events series 3

content = A-

content = B-     presentation = B- (special effect)


Image for Should I Eat Meat? - The Big Health Dilemma

Horizon Should I Eat Meat? - The Big Health Dilemma

atv World

《Megahit 900:Ghost Whisperer 5 -靈感應 5》

21、22 Aug at 9:00pm

Melinda lends a hand to Eli's patient who thinks he's being watched by his sister's ghost. Meanwhile, Melinda and Jim are concerned when Aiden talks about his shiny friends that aren't ghosts but something else. Jim, surprised by his colleague's nonchalance to a paranormal encounter, suspects that he is involved in a med student's sudden disappearance. Meanwhile, Melinda senses trouble when Aiden continues to mention his fear of "the shadows.

22 August at 9:00pm  

本星期,Eli 的病人聲稱自己一直被自己妹妹的鬼魂監視,Melinda 決定伸出援手。與此同時,Melinda 與 Jim 都非常擔心 Aiden 認識的小朋友,很有可能亦是鬼魂。Jim 亦開始懷疑某位同事的不尋常態度,說不定與醫學院學生失蹤事件有關。

8 月 22 日 晚上 9:00

《Heavenly Haven- 超凡人間天堂》

22 Aug at 10:00pm

8 Episodes that we did for Channel News Asia. It was an amazing experience shooting in the Middle East.

22 Aug at 10:00pm


8 月 22 日 晚上 10:00

8 Episodes that we did for Channel News Asia. It was an amazing experience shooting in the Middle East.
27 - 29 Aug at 10:00pm
8 月 27 - 29 日 晚上 10:00

《Begin Japanology II - 日之達人II》

23, 24 August at 8:30pm

“Begin Japanology” is a cultural information program for understanding Japan. The program breaks down the previous stereotyped framework of the “Japanese people” and “Japan” that has been conveyed up to now, and presents compelling and attractive aspects of Japan from this new perspective.

23, 24 August at 8:30pm

卡拉 OK 何改變日本人的生活? 還有卡拉 OK 鮮為人知的歷史是怎樣的? 此外,日本人認為賽馬與人生有很多相似之處,當中有很多扣人心弦的故事。

8 月 23, 24 日 晚上 8:30

《Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth Is - 理想的饗宴》

23, 24 Aug at 9:00pm

Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth Is” – is the show that pitches TV’s favourite chefs against each other in real restaurants to see who can make the most profit from serving up fabulous food to the great British public! In each show, two chefs find themselves in a different venue - from fancy restaurants to gastro-pubs to football stadiums...even a vintage train! They have a strict budget to stick to and must come up with a mouth-watering menu as the winner is the chef who makes the most profit – all of which will got to their chosen charities.

23, 24 Aug at 9:00pm

今時今日,大廚不但要「煮得」,更要「賣得」!本星期的兩場比試,首場在倫敦考文特花園一間充滿活力的亞洲餐廳兼歌舞廳舉行,大廚 John 大廚 Richard 正面交鋒。第二場比試則在倫敦東部一所時髦的保齡球館進行,大廚田中先生與大廚 Allegra 以美國菜分勝負,看似處於先天劣勢的田中先生能出奇制勝嗎?

8 月 23、24 日 晚上 9:00

《Horror Horror Horror: Blood Monkey - 八月驚慄影院﹕ 病毒恐慌》

25 Aug at 9:00pm

Six American grad students have arrived in Africa to study apes with the renowned Professor Hamilton (Oscar and Golden Globe winner F. Murray Abraham), only to discover Hamilton’s true plan, the students want out, but they are far too valuable to him.

25 Aug at 9:00pm

六名美國研究生到非洲,跟隨類人猿學者 Hamilton 教授(奧斯卡和金球獎得主 F. Murray Abraham 飾)從事研究,可是教授真正研究的竟是大規模滅絕物種的病毒,更悄悄盯上了這六名研究生……

8 月 25  晚上 9:00

