

2014年9月2日 星期二

終於看完《This World The Coffee Trail with Simon Reeve》& 《Depth Charge》& 2014 September 2 Diary

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《September Si-Fi Thriller:Depth Charge - 九月科幻影院:深海侵略》
Far below the depths of the North Atlantic, a nuclear powered submarine is on a historic training mission, testing experimental stealth technology. From there, the sub will proceed to Iran, North Korea and other world hotspots with the same demands for billions to avoid being attacked.

1 September at 9:00pm

北大西洋深處,一艘核動力潛艇正進行神秘任務。由奧斯卡金像獎提名演員 Eric Roberts (蝙蝠俠黑夜之神)飾演總司令 Krieg,將駕駛潛艇將進入伊朗、朝鮮等「惹火」地區,拚死守護世界安全。

《Heavenly Haven - 超凡人間天堂》

Heavenly Haven travels around the Middle East to give you exclusive access into the luxurious homes of the super-rich in the Middle East. 

1 & 5 September at 8:30pm
本集《超凡人間天堂》帶您走進坐落於被譽為“海灣珍珠”- 巴林島上的豪宅大門。白色的外墻映襯著湛藍的天空和碧綠的景觀。
另外,中東富豪 Sheikh Hamad Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan 是個十足的汽車迷,坐擁 200 部汽車,因此不得不建造一座金字塔來擺放他的寶貝們 

《Lifestyle Checkpoint:Yours Truly, Asia - 文化情報站:掀開亞洲真實面紗》

This unique programme reveals unusual facets of life in the region seen through the eyes of Channel NewsAsia's correspondents. From the arts to food, leisure and health, our reporters
 get hands-on and up-close to bring you the inside story! Learn more about the vast and
beautiful continent we call "Asia”, through reports filed by Channel NewsAsia's extensive network of correspondents in the region.

2 & 3 September at 8:30pm

華人工藝品到日本富士山的驚險攀登,從中國京戲到香港茶樓 - 派駐各地的特派員將帶給您零距離的報導,

《Megahit 900:Ghost Whisperer 5 -靈感應 5》

4 & 5 September at 9:00pm  

警方對外宣稱一個高中生玩滑板時發生意外身亡,但其冤魂告訴 Melinda自己是被一個警察所殺,Melinda 由此展開調查。此外,Grandview 電台頻有鬼魂出沒Grandview 電台曾揭露其死亡的秘密,難道它的出現是為了報仇嗎? 

Don't miss out -- follow Baby Daddy's new Instagram account!  http://instagram.com/babydaddytv

OH NO!!! What could this mean?  http://instagram.com/p/sN9kXtKCnD/?modal=true

