

2014年10月12日 星期日

2014 Oct 12 Diary


2號 段生富 佔 27.2%
6號 鍾劍輝 佔 23.7%
14號 賴樵育  佔 11.1%

《Weekend Fun Seeker:9th Circo Massimo - 週末消閒派:情迷馬戲團》

11 & 12 October at 10:00pm 
本星期的情迷馬戲團擁有豪華陣容的表演團隊,有來自意大利的 Saabel 家族,能夠讓體積龐大的狗熊靈活玩轉各式道具,還有來自匈牙利的一對搭檔表演的喜劇芭蕾,更有來自中國、瑞士、烏克蘭等等世界各地的表演者帶來的精彩表演    

《October Romantic Theater : Falling Love with the Girl Next Door- 十月浪漫影院愛上鄰家女孩

Theresa Connellyhas come back home to sunny L.A. Sharing an apartment with her former college roommate Angela,  she’s only a boat ride away from her parents on Catalina Island. Theresa may be starting over, but some things remain the same……like her affection for Mark Lucas .You’re cordially invited to attend the blessed union of two people in love. Now, choose sides. Falling in Love with the Girl Next Door is the perfect romantic comedy for anyone who’s ever fallen in love, out of love, and back again.

13 October at 9:00pm

離開了太平洋西北部,結束了一段無法挽回的戀情,Theresa Connelly 回到了陽光明媚的洛杉磯,與以前的大學室友共同合租。Theresa 希望生活能有一個新開始,但,有些事情還是無法改變,比如她對 Mark Lucas 的愛慕之心

Culture Checkpoint:Yours truly, Asia - 文化情報站:悠遊亞洲

14  October at 8:30pm  

《All about Asia:The New Myanmar - 亞洲無界限:海外滄桑 - 新緬甸 

16 October at 10:00pm



